Do you have a collection of pretty blank books? You fall in love with the blank books, buy them and then have no idea what to write in it? Well, you are not the only one.
There is a sudden urge to open a blank book and to write in. It can be really exciting.
However, in a matter of seconds, you realise that all that comes to your mind to write about is your name. If you can’t decide on what to write in your notebook, below are 15 ideas that will make you start writing right away!
1. Journalling - Write your way to happiness!
Life can be very stressful at times and we all are looking for different effective ways to release that stress. More and more people are using expressive writing or ‘bullet journalling’ to improve their health and productivity. It is a great way to reflect on your life. Just take 15 to 20 minutes to yourself and write down how you feel, what you did during the day etc. It is going to make a great difference and you will start to see an overall improvement in your quality of life. Furthermore, you get to keep a memory of each day for the rest of your life.
2. Brainstorming
Some kind of jobs (think about designers, writers, advertisers etc) involve a lot of creativity where you constantly need to come up with unique ideas to make your projects stand out. You can’t predict what will inspire you, so you better write down every idea when it comes.
If you’re not carrying a blank book with you at that time, it could mean the loss of a precious tidbit of inspiration which is required to finish that banner you’re designing or that last chapter you couldn’t think of the perfect ending to.
So make sure you have your book with you all the time so you can note down your ideas quickly to save them.
3. Lists
Keep lists, to-do’s, and dates.
Not everyone runs on lists but if you’re struggling to make sense of your goals, a list could save you time, energy, and the need to come up with excuses for things that you did not do.
Even a basic outline of the things you need to do can help you crush your goals.That’s simly because, the act of writing out a list forces us to set concrete goals (To-do: “Take out the trash.”). This is more effective than thinking about vague objectives (like “Get cleaner”). Plus, writing things down in a list can help us remember important information.
If you are one of those people who love writing lists like the “Top 10 Things to do when bored” or “Top ten countries to visit in this lifetime”, use your blank book to enhance your creativity and kill your boredom with this idea.
4. Movie and book reviews
If you love watching movies and you are not good at remembering the names of the movies you’ve watched, you can write down the name of each movie you watch.Furthermore, you can mention the actors, give it a 1-5 star rating and also write down the plot or your favorite bits of the movie.
Books you’ve just read or want to read. You can write a little summary of the last book you’ve read. It’s a wonderful way of remembering the story, so you can narrate it to your friends or loved ones.
5. Wishlist
If you suddenly remember something you want to buy for yourself a couple of months from now, write it down so you remember.
You can also write down great gift ideas for your family and friends.
6. Doodle
This is the most prettiest and fun way to record all your emotions and what you did that day.
When you have a boring class or are just in a mood to scribble away, open a blank page and let your pen/pencil flow freely to transfer your quirky imagination to the paper.
7. Short Story
This is a great way to improve your writing skills or just cure a couple of hours of boredom.
Come up with a great story, and out of the world characters. It will help you brush up on your vocabulary and you get to work on your spellings.
8. Songs
You can write the lyrics to songs you just cannot do without or songs you’ve always wanted to interpret. You can come up with amazing interpretations and then look them up to see how many wonderful alternatives are there online.
It’s a great way to bond with music lovers and also is lovely to read.
9. Special Memories
There are certain memories we have from our childhood that we never want to forget. Write them down to keep them in your heart, forever.
10. Your ambitions
If you want to progress in your career or achieve something that will take a lot of work, write it down. Write down goals you need to accomplish so you can achieve your ambition.
This will help create a positive approach towards life and help you acquire your dream job much faster!
11. Draw
A lot of people draw everything they see. If they are in park, they draw pigeons, or when they are at the beach, they draw people around them. It’s a great way of recording events, visually.
12. Inspirational Quotes
These are definitely fun to read and can brighten your day when you’re just not in the mood to step out of the house or you’re having an unproductive evening.
13. Recipes
This is a great way to keep track of all the new recipes you’ve learned.
It can be a recipe you’ve just inherited from your grandmother or something you’ve concocted in the kitchen at the last minute that your family just couldn’t get enough of.
14. New Words
If you’ve learned a new word that day, write it down and conjure up a couple of sentences so you can improve your vocabulary.
15. Stick things in it
Paste tickets, wrappers, photos, pictures, magazine cut outs, anything that will enhance your journaling experience and make your book feel more like yours.